Friday 10 June 2011

Work In Progress continued......


Well, here is the result of today's efforts. As you can see, I have been working on the area around the eye, working outwards from the eye. Working in layers, I lay down soft light strokes - following the contours of the face and direction of hair growth. For this I use the 9B pencil - it is very soft and leaves soft strokes that are easily blended using the paper stump or my finger. I haven't used the putty rubber on the hair yet, the variation in tone/depth is achieved by applying the various layers of graphite strokes and blending. I think it is bringing out the eye nicely....and what a kindly eye he has. The stallion is black, so as you can imagine, there will need to be many, many more layers applied to darken down the overall tone, but I think you can see already how the shading brings the face to life.
This has been another couple of hours work, so 5 hours in total so far. Not sure how much I will be able to get done over the weekend, but I'll post updates as and when I have them. Be back soon with the next instalment.......

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