Thursday 9 June 2011

Work In Progress...........

Well, I've done some work in progress articles before, but this is the first time for this blog....and another first.....I will be doing a 10 minute (or so) recording of various stages in the process. My son Dominic is keen on making short films, machinemas etc and I have finally caved to the pressure and agreed to let him film me. Strange.....I never gave in to "pester-power" when he was a child, but now he is almost 16yrs old and a young man.....well, maybe it was the thought of all those cups of tea I can "persuade" him to make me while I'm drawing.
Anyhow, The subject matter for this work-in-progress project is an absolutely stunning Tennessee Walking Stallion, called Watch Out Jose and owned by Delaine Freeman Smith.

On the right is the photo I'm working from:

I'm using artists drawing cartridge paper and a technical pencil, 2B, 6B and 9B graphite pencils. I'm also using a putty rubber to lift out some of the highlights and a combination of paper stump and latex pastel colour shaper to help blend and soften some of the graphite marks.


I usually print out a copy of the photo, on grayscale for pencil work, to use as a point of reference.
I use a technical pencil to do a quick and rough layout of the main points in the drawing.
I draw this freehand - I personally don't like using projectors or tracing paper, although I know a lot of artists find them invaluable. I just think that I'm too much of a traditionalist .....or is that masochist??!!
On the left is a photo of the outline sketch.... hope you can see it, it's drawn very lightly so that I can rub out any bits I need to, later on.


With the rough outline done, I now set to work on the eye. They say the eye is the window to the soul, and it certainly says a lot about us. It's the most important aspect of a portrait. Generally speaking, if you get a good likeness in the eye/s then you have captured the essence of the person/animal.
Here's the result.....about 3 hours work to this point, and enough for tonight, I think.........
Will be back with the next instalment/s in the next few days.

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