Wednesday 8 June 2011

Just Lion Around....

"Just Lion Around" is one of my recent was drawn in graphite (pencil) on Bristol board and was exhibited in a recent exhibition. It was drawn as a companion piece for another Lion drawing of mine "Old Timer"

These are the first big cats I've drawings tend to be commissions so are usually cats, dogs, horses, children etc.
However, I have enjoyed drawing them immensely and am learning as I go along. In fact, I am working on a series of drawings which will be available for preview at my Open Studios week in if you are in the Aberdeenshire area, why not come along an see my'll be a 2for1 event this year, as I will also be exhibiting with a talented Artist friend of mine, Angela Arnold. You can see some of her work on Affordable British Art -click HERE.

There will be lots and lots of different and varied work to see.....and I will be running some drawing and painting demos at various times.

Anyway, back to the Lion drawing.....Just Lion Around was intended as a companion piece for another Lion drawing: "The Old Timer" (shown here). They are available for sale individually for £185, or if you buy both together there is a 10% discount.

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